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Home Latest News News & Blog Falco Raises Over £1,000 at the National MacMillan Coffee Morning

Falco cycle parking employees put their baking skills to the test and took part in the National Macmillan Coffee Morning on the 27th September raising over £1,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support!
The day was filled with coffee and cake with some fabulous creations baked by colleagues including Twix Cheesecake, Honey Infused Caramel Spongecake, traditional Victoria Spongecake and an array of decorated cupcakes. Meanwhile HGV Driver and former chef John Woods, treated the hard-working team to a delicious paella (for a donation!) A raffle was also organised to compliment the cakes with some fantastic prizes up for grabs!
The event was organised by Marketing Manager, Mark Wain and Sales Co-ordinator, Ben Duffield. Mark added “Each year the company chooses a designated charity to support and this year’s chosen charity was the national Macmillan Coffee Morning. The worthwhile cause is close to many hearts at Falco, with all employees knowing someone who has suffered from the disease. The coffee morning was a great way to bring everybody together and was more inclusive for the staff members who in addition involved family members and friends. Some of the staff were even lucky enough to win some of the donated raffle prizes, which included a gin and tonic hamper, an essential baking kit hamper, bottle of whisky and fragrance gift set. I would like to thank our colleague, Jeanette Barlow, who has donated a range of prizes to support the event”.
In addition to the MacMillan coffee morning, Falco has supported various other charities in recent years, including the Race for Life, Red Nose Day and Cancer Research UK Mud Run.
Macmillan Cancer Support gives both practical and emotional support as well as valuable advice for people affected by cancer, right from the moment of diagnosis, through to the treatment and aftercare.
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