FalcoSmart Mobile App
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Bike Hangar Security
With security being a key issue in the cycle parking industry and no more so when the facility is placed on a street, this theme was top of the list when we designed the FalcoPod bike hangar. Not only is the locker manufactured from robust welded steel and designed to withstand a 20mph vehicle impact (see our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGGms4CnD7s), most important was the decision to fit the next generation of swing-arm locks, with anti-jacking design, master key options and most significantly an electronic actuation.
A key feature of this lock was that it was also capable of being opened electronically, a feature that we’ve been working on since the FalcoPod concept was born last year. It was clear to us that the use of ‘physical’ keys has a number of disadvantages; they can lost, they need to be mailed back and forth, they require more management and a keyed lock on a facility can invite unwanted attacks. The FalcoSmart electronic lock (or cycle hangar access control system) replaces this system with a keyless, electronic ‘app’ based locking system.
FalcoSmart Mobile App Access
Users are able to download an ‘app’ to their mobile or smart device and once enabled by Falco’s back office system, the user can open the bike hangar simply by pressing the app. Working on a short-range wireless communication interface, an app-based system brings a number of benefits to all parties:
• For users, it will offer a cheaper option - no more keys and the cost of mailing them.
• For the client it will be cheaper – it’s a more cost efficient bike rental system to manage.
• For Falco it will be simpler and more eco-friendly – less administration and less paper.
A further benefit to clients using the FalcoSmart electronic lock concept is that it can also be integrated into hubs and other cycle stores, so for instance a local authority which has a network of both bike hangars and cycle hubs can give residents access to their local bike hangar to pick up their bike for the morning commute and then enable them to use the same app to access the central bike hub at their local station. The back-office control means that each person can have a tailored access profile unique to them but controlled by the Borough based on their subscription. As a result of its importance to Falco and our clients we now have a patent pending on this concept (application number GB2012118.2).
For more information about the FalcoPod Bike Hangar with FalcoSmart Mobile App Access please contact our helpful sales team on 01538 380080.